Saturday, September 21, 2013

Welcome my hippies!

I want to give you a very warm welcome to my blog The Enlightened Hippy and let you know who I am and what my blog is all about. I by no means am perfectly happy. In fact, I am struggling to find ultimate happiness in my life right now as many people all over the world are. Many people go through life doing what they have to in order to survive and support their families but never find true inner happiness. Sure, we all have happy times and bad times but being ultimately happy with your life and being excited to get up every day is a whole other level of happiness many never reach. My desire is to change the way people perceive life and help them to find true inner happiness that will last. 

Why am I writing this blog?

I am currently in my fourth year of University in Business Administration. As many of you know, University is a huge commitment of time, a lot of money, and extreme dedication and perseverance. If your like me you come from a hard working family that values money and just as they were I am expected to pay my own expenses and tuition with little help. This is a huge burden and stress for a student who spends over 30 hours a week doing school work. On top of working part time who has time for fun!? This got me thinking... Is life really about just doing what I HAVE to do? I HAVE to go to school to get a good job just to work for the rest of my life to keep up this lifestyle and image I am "supposed" to have. This is what the societal norms are, it is what is expected of you and you are told from a very young age. I keep wondering when life is  going to get better or easier. Well my friends, from what I've heard and my own experiences so far it doesn't get any easier, in fact it gets more complicated with more bills as you start to acquire more assets and especially children. So this life of perpetual bills and stress is inevitable? I find that extremely disconcerting and depressing. Once I realized this around 18 years old, I sat on it awhile and just kept going through life's motions and doing what was expected of me and although I had many great times and experiences, I wasn't overall happy with where my life was headed and I realized around age 20 I didn't want to conform to society anymore and there must be more to life then working, paying and dying. This started my search for a better more simple life; one where I was doing what I want and not what I HAVE to. 

Since then I have begun to perceive life in a new way. I am by no means an expert at the things I advise nor do I have everything figured out but I have taken the first step which is awareness. If you are perfectly happy living your life according to societal norms where you go to University, maybe get a masters, work very hard for your money, get married have children and a big house and lots of toys and you will die happy in your $10,000 casket then this blog probably isn't for you. If that's what makes you happy that is wonderful and I am very happy for you but this blog is for people looking for more out of life and fighting societal norms that just don't make sense anymore for our generation. If any of this has hit home for you or you are feeling the same way I am about society I urge you to stick around and keep checking out my blog for ways to find inner happiness and the life you want to live. This is ultimately a learning environment and I always love to hear your comments about what you do for happiness and your perceptions on life. Be peaceful, respectful, and always listen, if you aren't learning you aren't living. Peace for now my hippies :)

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