Here is the book summary I
promised of “Did I Ever Wake Up?” by Mod Sun. I have highlighted what I feel
are the most important parts of Mod’s book. Although I have highlighted key
points here I still urge you to read the book as it is very inspiring and he
does a great job of explaining how to use these principles.
You must know what you want and you must believe without a doubt you will obtain it
- The sooner you figure it out the better
- This includes relationships, occupation, happiness, health, financial well-being
- Consider what you enjoy most in life and focus on those
- Thoughts must be paired with affirmation “I want to be happy” –> “I am happy”
- Takes imagination and self-control to truly believe you will obtain what you want
The power of new environment
- We have no past to those we haven’t met
- When people don’t have a pre-conceived idea of who we are, we can let go of what we don’t want to be and become whomever we intend on being
- May become necessary to leave behind people or things that are holding us back from the destiny we are creating
- We are here to be happy
- Being happy will spread happiness to others
Everything that happens in your life was born first
within your mind
- Every thought that enters your head also leaves it
- Your solely responsible for everything that happens to you, good or bad
- The universe is completely unbiased
- Doesn’t differentiate between want or don’t want, just focuses on your words and thoughts
- The universe believes we want everything we think about, so think about what you want
You must prove that when faced with rain you can still
shine bright
- Universe tests you with bad days, you have to pass these challenges and continue to think positively and the universe will begin to hand you nothing but good fortune
- Bad days are propelling you towards a series of never ending good ones; that is, if you deal with them correctly
We need the opposite and it needs us
- If the opposite of what you believe in didn’t exist, you’d have nothing to believe in
- Always be accepting – take what people say as insight
- You decide whether or not to look up or down at every situation that occurs
- Let unexpected incidents roll off you like raindrops dancing down your bedroom window
- Within one second you can completely erase any negative thoughts by simply thinking about things that make you happy
- Mod uses an analogy of a dresser, as thoughts enter your mind either put them in the top drawer with all your happiest thoughts and experiences and all your negative thoughts in the bottom drawer, slam it shut and never open it again.
“selfish” – has been abused and misused since its origin
- Negative connotation attached, we should put ourselves first, be selfish
- Until you’ve helped yourself, you’re not helping anyone else
Everything is easy – some things just take longer than
- Anytime someone tells you to “be realistic” reply back: “enjoy your flight”
- The innovation and technology advancement that make flight and air travel possible wasn’t realistic in the beginning, this proves every is possible, things just take time
- You can do anything, especially if someone else has already done it
Your worst mistake is your best advice
- Knowing something someone else doesn’t know will not make you more intelligent than the next person
- Only means you’ve experienced something the other person hasn’t yet encountered
- No one is superior to anyone else, but we can all learn from each other
- There is a reason we have two ears and one mouth – listen more than talk
- The people that surround you are either working for you or against you, and how you interact with these individuals will be the deciding factor
- You can essentially build up an entire team of people helping to make your life great by simply being kind to them
Always Remember…
- You are in control of your body, emotions, thoughts and manifestations – take responsibility and use this to your advantage
- The more time you spend thinking about what you want, the faster you will get it
- Stop hoping for things to happen and make them happen
- Figure out what you love to do and dedicate yourself to it entirely